How to Get Through the Startup Process

How to Overcome Key Challenges Startups face many problems on their way to success in the fast-paced world of business. From getting funds to adapting to a market that changes quickly, founders have to find their way through a complicated world full of unknowns and...

How to Handle Business Emails Landing in Spam Folders?

I hope this post helps anyone dealing with email bounces, which can be frustrating. Bounces can lead to lost clients, revenue, and damage to your reputation, so it’s important to address the issue promptly and carefully. In today’s digital age, ensuring...

How to Switch Off Your Mobile After Work

In our hyperconnected world, the line between work and personal life has become increasingly blurred. The ping of a work email or a message from a colleague can disrupt our evenings, weekends, and even vacations. But learning to disconnect is not just a luxury, it is...

A Parent’s Guide to Programming Life

As a super happy father of two beautiful little beings, and a programmer (many find our job boring, by the way…), I often find myself pondering: which is more complicated, raising kids or writing code? Spoiler alert: it’s a tie, and both can drain your...

Raising Two Kids vs Business achievements

When I was young and still inexperienced, I thought being successful meant one thing: doing well at work and making money. As a young go-getter, I was all about building a business and making it big. That’s what achievement looked like to me back then. But boy,...