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Raising Two Kids vs Business achievements

Written by Ben Riv

When I was young and still inexperienced, I thought being successful meant one thing: doing well at work and making money. As a young go-getter, I was all about building a business and making it big. That’s what achievement looked like to me back then.

But boy, did life teach me a lesson!

Now, 2 decades later, I’ve learnt that there’s another kind of success that’s just as important, if not more. It’s the kind you find at home, with your family. And let me tell you, with two kids, it’s not any easier than running a business!

Two Big Adventures: Work and Two Kids

Starting a business is tough. You’ve got to come up with good ideas, work really hard, and deal with lots of problems. It’s exciting, but it can also be really stressful.

But you know what? Having kids is just as challenging, if not more so. When my wife and I had our first child, it was like entering a whole new world. Then, when the second one came along, we realised we had to relearn everything all over again!

The Big Change

Before kids, I’ll admit, I was pretty selfish. I was always thinking about what I wanted and what was good for me. But the day we became parents, that all changed. It was like a switch flipped in our brains. Now, it was all about the babies.

Being a parent of two, especially when you’re far from your own mom and dad, is really, really hard. It’s probably one of the toughest things I’ve ever done. And I say this as someone who’s tackled some pretty tricky business problems!

Tougher Than Any Computer Problem

I used to think I could handle anything because I was good with computers and solving complex problems. But let me tell you, dealing with jealousy between my two kids? Or handling temper tantrums from both at the same time? That’s way harder than any software or business issues I’ve ever faced.

It’s not just about being experienced. It’s about being patient, understanding, and always putting your kids first, even when you’re tired or frustrated. And with two, you’re constantly playing referee and trying to give equal attention to both.

Giving It All Away

The funny thing about having two kids is that you end up giving away everything you used to enjoy when you were on your own. Those lazy Sunday mornings? Gone. Quiet evenings? Nope. Spontaneous trips? Not anymore.

But here’s the amazing part: you do all this for two little people who never asked to be born. And somehow, it becomes the best experience of your life.

It’s Not Easy These Days

Raising two kids today isn’t a walk in the park. There’s so much to worry about – technology, safety, education. You’re not just feeding and clothing them; you’re trying to guide them through a pretty complicated world. And you’re doing it twice over, with two unique personalities!

Every day, you’re making choices and sacrifices. But you do it because you love these little humans more than you ever thought possible.

Learning All The Time

The cool thing about being a parent of two kids is that you never stop learning. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out with the first one, the second throws you a curveball. But that’s okay because it helps you grow too.

You learn to juggle competing needs, to be fair but not always equal, and to appreciate the unique bond between siblings.

Wrapping It Up

So, what have I learned? Success isn’t just about making money or having a big title. It’s also about the family you build and the love you share. And with two kids, that love just multiplies.

Building a business and raising two children are both huge challenges. They both need your time, energy, and heart. The trick is finding a way to do well in both areas.

In the end, true success might just be about finding that balance – doing good work out in the world while also creating a happy, loving home for your family of four. It’s not easy, but it’s worth every bit of effort.

Remember, whether it’s in the office or at home with your two little ones, the real achievement is becoming the best version of yourself and helping others along the way. And trust me, with two kids, you’ll be doing a lot of helping!

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